This site has just undergone scheduled maintenance in order to be moved to a new infrastructure. You shouldn’t experience any change, but do let us know (
) if you think anything looks out of place.
The OrderPortal system is a web-based portal that allows form-based submission of information from users to a facility. It was designed for academic service facilities that handle discrete orders or project proposals, reports, etc, from its users (researchers). It has also been used as a system to gather reports from researchers and research units.
The services offered by the facility are described in the forms for orders. These forms are defined by the facility. Is is possible to create a new form when a service is upgraded or modified, and to disable an old form when the corresponding service is retired.
The OrderPortal system is not hardcoded for any specific scientific area. Considerable effort has gone into making sure the design is as general as possible within the scope of the basic problem it is intended to solve.
Since the system is general in character, it requires specific configuration settings to suite your particular needs.
The OrderPortal system was originally created to satisfy the needs of the National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI) Sweden, which is an infrastructure unit for DNA sequencing and genotyping of samples provided by external researchers.
Orders: The OrderPortal system is a portal for orders (requests, project proposals, etc) to a single facility from its users.
User: A user is a researcher external to the service facility, and may or may not be the Principal Investigator (PI) for one or more orders.
Order: An order is created, filled in and submitted by a user. The facility personnel (system administrators and/or staff) then handles the order, applying whatever workflow is defined by them. The order is moved along by changing its status.
Form: An order is created from a template which is called a form. The system administrators must set up and publish the forms for a user to be able to create an order. Each form defines the fields for data to be input by the user.
The design of an order form is fairly general; there is nothing that is hardcoded for specific domains of science. The content of the order forms consists of a different fields for different types of input data, with optional constraints on the input data, and optional help text. The order forms are defined by the system administrators.
Report: A report is an HTML file or a document file (TXT, PDF, DOCX, etc) which can be attached to an order by the system administrators or staff. This can be used a means of delivering results to the user.
User account: A user account is defined within each OrderPortal instance. The email address of the user is the user account identifier. This means that if a user changes email address, a new account will have to be created.
Customization: The system administrators can (and should) customization the site logo, title, home page text blocks and the body of email messages sent by the system. Pages for showing information and documents are under control of the system administrators.
The term facility is used for the organisation providing the service specified by the order forms. A basic design principle is that one instance of the OrderPortal system handles one facility. All entities in the database back-end for the OrderPortal instance belong to one and only one facility.
There are three reasons for this design choice:
Security between facilities. The existence and contents of a particular order in one facility must not be visible to the administrators or staff of another facility. This is a strict requirement for some facilities, and it is easier to implement if the database instance for each facility is separate from one another.
The styling of an order portal is much easier to implement if each facility has its own OrderPortal instance.
The introduction, or elimination, of a facility in the overall organisation becomes much easier if every instance of the system is independent of the other.
One drawback with this design choice is that it complicates the communication between, and linking of, different but related orders in different facilities.
Note that there is no entity called facility
in the OrderPortal system.
It is just a concept behind the design of the system.
The OrderPortal system is designed for only one facility, displaying up to about 8 different order forms. There is no hard limit to the number of simultaneously published forms, but the current design does not work well with more than about 8 forms.
If an organization has different facilities requiring different sets of forms, then it is probably a good idea to set up different instances of the OrderPortal system, with separate back-end database instances.
A user is an account in the system. Almost all operation require that the user is logged in. The email address is the user account identifier.
There are three kinds (=roles) of users:
User: An external scientist, who uses the portal to place one or more orders, and to follow the progress of their own orders. The "customer" of the facility.
Staff: Facility staff, who may view all orders, but are not allowed to change very much. If so configured by the system administrators, they may move along orders from one status to another.
Admin: System administrators who are allowed to view and edit all aspects of the OrderPortal system that can be modified via the web interface. This includes processing orders, modifying the order fields, and handling user accounts. Often, the order coordinators of the facility are designated as system administrators, since they will be using the system to keep track of incoming orders.
User accounts can be set as disabled, for example if the person leaves her position, or as a means of blocking invalid use. An account can be re-enabled. A user account cannot be deleted, since the logs and old orders contain a link to it.
An external scientist applies for a user account by providing the relevant information. Such an account is created with a status of pending. The system administrator reviews the pending user account and enables it if it appears legitimate. The user gets an email about the account having been enabled and with instructions on how to set the password for it.
The user can place orders as soon has she has logged in. By default, no other users except the admin and staff can view the orders.
A user is allowed to specify which other users will be able to access to her orders by creating a group to which the other users are invited. Access can also be granted by a user to other specific users for an individual order.
Only system administrators are allowed to view, create, edit, delete, enable or disable forms.
Any logged-in user may create an order from an enabled form, unless the system has been configured to disallow ordinary users to do so.
System administrators may create an order from a form that is in status testing.
A user may edit or delete their own order while it has a status that allows editing for ordinary users. This is configurable.
A staff member may edit or delete an order while it has a status that allows editing for staff. This is configurable.
System administrators may always edit or delete an order.
Which users are allowed to change the status of an order depends on the configuration. Usually, a user is allowed to submit their own order and nothing more.
Staff and system administrators are allowed to change status according to the current configuration.
Any user may clone their own order, as long as the order form is enabled.
Staff and system administrators may clone any order. As a special case, system administrators are allowed to clone an order that is based on a disabled form.
Any user is allowed to change the ownership of their order to another user.
System administrators are allowed to change the ownership of any order.
An order is essentially a set of values for a given form. Its fields are defined by the order form (see below) it was created from.
An order belongs to one and only one user account.
An order has one and only on status at any time. When the order is
created, it is in status Preparation
, and while it is in that state,
the user can edit it and save it. An order that is being prepared can
be, but is usually not, inspected by the staff or system
An order usually contains at least some fields which require a value. An order lacking a required value can be saved, but it cannot be submitted. This allows the user to create and fill in an order partially and save it. Then, at a later data, she can return to the order to complete it and then submit it.
When all fields have been given valid values by the user, it becomes possible to submit it.
An order in status Submitted
will be handled by the staff and system
Status | Semantics | |
![]() |
Preparation |
The order has been created and is being edited by the user. |
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Submitted |
The order has been submitted by the user for consideration. |
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Review |
The order is under review. |
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Queued |
The order has been queued. |
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Waiting |
The order is waiting for something else to happen. |
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Accepted |
The order has been checked and accepted. |
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Rejected |
The order has been rejected. |
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Processing |
The order is being processed in the lab. |
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Active |
The order is actively being worked on. |
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Analysis |
The order results are being analysed. |
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Onhold |
The order is on hold. |
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Halted |
The work on the order has been halted. |
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Aborted |
The work on the order has been permanently stopped. |
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Terminated |
The order has been terminated. |
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Cancelled |
The order has been cancelled. |
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Finished |
The work on the order has finished. |
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Completed |
The order has been completed. |
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Closed |
All work and other actions for the order have been performed. |
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Delivered |
The order results have been delivered. |
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Invoiced |
The order has been invoiced. |
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Archived |
The order has been archived. |
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Undefined |
The order has an undefined or unknown status. |
Only the statuses Preparation
and Submitted
are enabled by
default. All other statuses will have to be enabled to become
available for use.
Statuses can be enabled only by the system administrators. Once enabled, a status cannot be disabled. The reason for this is that already existing orders may be in a specific status, or have a specific status recorded in its history, and removing such a status would introduce inconsistencies in the database. The description of the semantics of a status can be edited by the system administrators.
All orders will be in status Preparation
when created.
Transitions between the statuses can be edited by the system
administrators. The only transition enabled by default is the one from
to Submitted
Typically, enabling statuses and transitions should be done as part of the configuration and testing phase before the instance is launched into production. Obviously, this work needs to take into account the typical workflow of the facility.
Here are some general guidelines:
Files such as agreements, specifications, images, etc, can be attached to an order. If the form has file input fields, these files will also be attached to the order.
Links to other web pages can be set for orders, allowing users to navigate to other relevant information systems. This feature can be disabled by modifying the order configuration.
Tags (one-word labels) can be attached to orders, for searching purposes. This feature can be disabled by modifying the order configuration.
Each change of an order is logged, and the information "who, when, what" is stored. The log trace is written by the system automatically and cannot be edited by any user.
The order form fields are fully configurable by the system administrators via the web interface. The field definitions are generic, and allow order forms to be designed for a wide variety of input data.
While an order form is being created and edited, it is upublished, and users cannot create orders from it. It is possible for the system administrators to test a form and create a dummy order for it. An order form can be used only when it has been enabled, which automatically publishes it on the home page of the OrderPortal system.
The input fields defined by an order form cannot be substantially changed after the form has been enabled. Basically only the help texts of the input fields can be edited. If an order form becomes outdated it can be disabled; this will remove it from view on the home page. Its orders, however, will still be accessible for processing. No new orders can be created from a disabled form. New order forms can be created by cloning from and older form; this is the most common way of updating an order form.
The reason for this is that if a form is changed by e.g. removing a field, or redefining it, then already created orders are in danger of becoming invalid. It was a design decision to stop this from happening by disallowing changing a form after it has been enabled.
The fields of an order form, and by extension the orders created from it, are of different types, for input of text, number or other kinds of values. This is defined when a field is created within a form.
The order form allows hierarchical grouping of fields, with dynamic display according to simple rules. This allows for cases where a top-level selection of e.g. a specific technology determines which further input fields are required to be filled in.
The system administrators design the forms by setting up the fields which determine what the user must fill in for an order. The system administrators can clone a form in order to make a new variant of it. Old forms can be disabled, and new forms enabled, as needed.
Once a form has been enabled, its fields cannot be changed, except for editing the help texts. When an order is created, its fields definitions are copied from the form. Once an order has been created, its fields and selected options are effectively frozen, and remain fixed. Only the values of the fields may be changed, not the definition of them.
This is a major design limitation of the OrderPortal system, which must be kept in mind when planning and implementing the content of the forms. The following routine has been used with good results:
Adding a field in a new form requires deciding on the following parameters:
A field may be conditional, meaning that it is displayed only of some other field has been assigned a specific value. This is useful for orders where the relevant fields depend on some high-level choice, such a type of technology to use for a order.
The order form field types are:
An order may have any number of reports attached to it by the system administrators or staff. If the report is an HTML or TXT file it will be shown in-line, otherwise it will be downloadable by the user.
The report feature is intended as a means to deliver results in the form of written reports to the user. There is a very simple review system, which allows requesting other staff to review a report before publishing it.
There is a very basic information page subsystem, intended to allow displaying information about the orders and/or the facility to the user or the general public. It is not a full-fledged wiki. The system administrators can edit these pages via the web interface.
This feature can be disabled by the system administrators in the display configuration page.
There is a simple feature to store documents (files), such as PDFs or XLSX files in a general system-wide manner for any user to access. This can be used to provide the users with templates or information documents.
This feature can be disabled by the system administrators in the display configuration page.
There are three main interfaces to the system, the web, the API (Application Programming Interface) and the CLI (Command-Line Interface).
The web interface behaves slightly differently depending on the role of the user account logged in.
The web interace is the standard interface for accessing and using OrderPortal.
Depending on the role of the user account, the privileges in the web interface differ. In principle, the ordinary user can view and edit only her own orders. Staff can view most things, while admin can perform all view and edit operations that are available in the web interface.
The Application Programming Interface (API) allows other systems to interact with the order portal. It is based on RESTful principles using JSON and linked data to allow other systems to access and/or modify various data entities in the portal.
The API is currently fairly limited.
The web pages having a link
which leads to the JSON format representation of the entity in the page.
The account to be used for API interactions must have its API key
set. That key provides authentication for programmatic access to the
API. Set it by checking the box Set new API key
in the edit page
of your account. The user identified by the API key has the same
privileges in the API as in the web interface.
The JSON for the entities may contain links to other entities or
actions. The design is inspired by (but not identical to) the proposed
standard Hypertext Application Language (HAL). See Mike Kelly's
original proposal at and
the (defunct) IETF proposal at The most
important difference is that the key links
, rather than _links
, is
There are a number of sample scripts showing various interactions with
the API. Note that the example script uses the third-party
module requests
here) which is much
nicer to work with than the standard Python urllib
An example script that gets all data about an order in JSON format is provided here:
The data obtained is the same as one gets by clicking the JSON link in the upper right corner of the order's web page.
One should note that the order can always be identified by its IUID. If the site has enabled identifiers (which typically look something like XYZ00102), then it is possible to use that identifier instead of the IUID for this particular case. For some cases, the IUID must be used in the URL. The IUID is the safest bet, so if you have it readily at hand, use it.
An order can be created by POST of JSON data containing the IUID of the relevant form, and optionally a title. The returned data will contain the full representation of the newly created order, which will contain no data for the fields.
It is not possible to set any initial values of the fields using this call. You will have to set the field values using a separate edit (see API Edit order.
For an example order create script, see
An order can be edited by POST of JSON data containing the fields to change. In principle, the data to send should look like a subset of the full JSON representation of an order.
Fields that are not included in the data are not touched. Only fields present in the form for the order can be set, and only when the current user is allowed to do so. Attempts to set other fields will be silently ignored.
In addition to the fields, the title, tags and history of an order can also be set via the API.
NOTE: setting history explicitly should be done with care, so as to avoid fake data in the history. The point of the history is to show when status changes happened without having to go through the entire log of the order.
For an example order edit script, see
The API can be used to set the status of an order. The allowed status transitions are the same as in the web interface, and depend on the current status of the order and the role of the account.
The allowed transitions and their URLs are provided in the JSON data
for the order in the form of a dictionary with the target states as
key and as value another dictionary with the key href
and the
corresponding URL as value. One must use the HTTP method POST for
these URLs, since they change the order.
See the example script for the code used to submit an order. Similar code is used for other status transitions.
A report for an order can be added by doing a POST to the order report URI with a request body containing the name of the report and the contents of the report file.
The content type (MIME type) of the data is recorded with the
report. If it is text/html
or text/plain
, the content will be
display in-line in the user's browser. Otherwise the content will be
downloaded as a file to the user's browser when the report button is
For an example add report script, see
A report for an order can be edited by doing a POST to the order report URI containing the report UUID, and a request body containing the name of the report and the contents of the report file.
The content type (MIME type) of the data is recorded with the
report. If it is text/html
or text/plain
, the content will be
display in-line in the user's browser. Otherwise the content will be
downloaded as a file to the user's browser when the report button is
For an example edit report script, see
A report for an order can be deleted by doing a DELETE to the order report URI containing the report UUID. No request body should be used.
For an example delete report script, see
The Command Line Interface (CLI) allows system various maintenance operations, such as backup, account creation and such. It is executed on the command line of the machine which hosts the OrderPortal instance. This means that only users with accounts of sufficient privilege on this machine can use it.
$ python3 --help
Backups of the CouchDB database can easily be produced using the CLI:
$ sudo -u nginx PYTHONPATH=/var/www/apps/xyz/OrderPortal python3 dump
This creates a tar.gz
file with today's date in the file name. There are command
options for setting the name of the file, or the directory in which it is written.
See the --help
option of the CLI.
A system administrator will have to prepare a form for the end-user to be able to prepare an order.
Like so:
Now add fields. A group field is a container for other fields, and does not contain a value of its own. The other types of fields are fairly self-explanatory.
After having added some fields, it is possible to test what an order for it will look like: Click Testing. This will allow only the system administrators to create and edit a test order for the form.
Once done with testing, click Pending to allow editing of the form again. Any orders created while Testing will automatically be deleted.
Clicking Enable will enable the form for users to create orders. This cannot be undone! So ensure that the form is OK before you do this.
The current installation procedure is described in the
for the
GitHub repo.
The implementation of Anubis is based on the following design decisions: